Grammar Table Pop-up

Ellen Jovin, author of the national bestseller Rebel with a Clause, will be bringing her traveling pop-up grammar advice stand—the Grammar Table—to Penn! 

On April 23, Ellen can be found outside Van Pelt to answer your most pressing grammar questions, resolve roommate punctuation disputes, listen sympathetically to tales of grammar woe, and generally shoot the linguabreeze with passersby. 

Want to take a mini grammar quiz? There will be (totally voluntary) quiz questions ready on the table for those who dare! Ellen has studied 25+ languages for fun, and all language discussions are welcome at the Grammar Table.

No RSVP is required for this pop-up event!

This event has already occurred

April 23, 2024, 12:00pm - 3:00pm
Outside of Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center (near the Button)
Open to the Public
Ellen Jovin at Grammar Table