The Center for Global Collections is an intellectual hub for engagement with the world.  Students and scholars can explore the diversity of cultures and societies around the world — their histories, languages, perspectives, narratives, and cultural contributions — through the Center’s vast information resources, the expertise of a dedicated team of librarians, and dynamic programming.

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Location and Accessibility


The accessible entrance of Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center opens into the Goldstein Undergraduate Study Center. This entrance is on the ground floor of the building facing Blanche P. Levy Park and College Hall. A wheelchair accessible doorbell is located on the railing leading toward the door.

Accessible Entrance

Accessible entrance on the ground floor. A brick walk leads from the north side of Levy Park to the accessible door. At the end of the walk are 2 doors. The accessible door is on the right.

Directions to the accessible entrance:   Word   |   PDF