The main entrance to the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center is now open. Van Pelt Library and the Fisher Fine Arts Library are currently open to Penn Card holders, Penn affiliates, and certain visitors. See our Service Alerts for details.

Print reserves

Instructors and teaching assistants may place books, journal articles, and other materials needed for their courses on reserve at the Chemistry Library. To ensure maximum availability for all users, reserve materials do not leave the library during opening hours.

When books are placed on reserve in departmental libraries, school libraries, or Van Pelt Reserve; locations are listed in Franklin, the online catalog.

Electronic reserves

We can help provide access to electronic reserve items, as well.  When possible, we will link directly to e-books and articles from electronic journals.  If an electronic copy is not available in the Penn Libraries' collections, we will scan portions of printed books or journals at an instructor's request, provided the request is permitted under the fair use clause of the U. S. copyright law.